New Uploads

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Music Fundamentals for Song Leaders

Congregational “singing schools”…provided training for song leaders for several generations These had already begun to disappear by the 1960s. Observing that void prompted me, in 1965, to prepare a booklet for those who lead singing in our worship assemblies…I was…prompted to pull my old, age-yellowed copy from its file when a young, inexperienced song leader indicated that he would welcome such help. My coppy was so unattractive and inadequate in many ways that I was too embarrassed to give it to anyone. Rather, I decided to produce a “new and improved” version, thus taking advantage of attractive printing, type, and graphics as well as improving its content…

¿Cual es la obra de la iglesia?

Hace varios años, una familia visitó la asamblea matutina del Día del Señor donde yo predicaba. Después de conversar con ellos, hicieron algunas preguntas: “¿Qué tipo de programa tienen para los adolescentes?

Cuando el corazon esta perdino

Al estudiar la triste historia de las apostasías cíclicas de los descendientes de Jacob, es difícil no criticar duramente su locura.
Cuando las mujeres que descubrieron la tumba vacía del Señor llevaron la noticia a los apóstoles, al principio se mostraron incrédulos y la calificaron de “disparates” (Lucas 24:8-11, LBLA).
¿Es la Biblia una mera pieza curiosa de la magnífica literatura antigua? ¿Es un documento irrelevante, bueno para esos tiempos, pero ahora es una mera reliquia sin uso o aplicación moderna?

La Biblia es un libro sobre el pecado y un Salvador. Pablo anunció maravillosas noticias a este respect:

¿Que paso con los primeros principios?

Hablar de “primeros principios” en cualquier campo de actividad es hablar de cosas básicas, elementales, fundamentales y rudimentarias. El escritor de Hebreos se refirió a “los primeros rudimentos de las palabras de Dios” (Hebreos 5:12).

Copyright 2006–2024. All our materials are free. You may download and distribute them, as long as you do so free of charge—and with appropriate attribution as to author and source.

11 thoughts on “New Uploads

    1. Jerry:

      Sorry to be this late responding. I must have overlooked the email notice of your encouraging comments. I appreciate them very much.

      Yours in the Cause,


  1. I just downloaded the 2 realized eschatology materials. Some people hold the view that “all things in the book of revelation have been fulfilled in ad70. all things”.
    I think the materials I’ve downloaded will do for some good study.
    Thank you Mr Mcclish

    1. Emmanuel:

      Thank you for your kind comments. I hope that you will find the MSS helpful in your study of the heresy of "Realized Eschatology." I suggest you also visit our Bellview Lectures page on this Site. That entire lectureship in on this gross error. I pray that all is going well in the Lord's work in Ghanna.

      Yours in the Cause,

      Dub McClish

  2. Dub,

    Would like to tell you how much I appreciate your website.  I hope you don't mind, but I have posted some of your material on the Book Section of our website.  I hope you and whoever reads this reply would visit our website at   You may have known my late uncle Ralph Starling of Texas.  My dad (born 1918) had an uncle who was associated with N.B. Hardeman for a number of years.  I mention this not to impress but to let you have an idea of where I might stand concerning the truth.  Once again, I appreciate your work and really enjoy the documents on your site.  I have been preaching since 1976 due to my dad's encouragement.  Thanks again…

    In Christ,

    Mark Johns
    Washington St. Church of Christ
    Warrensburg, MO


    1. Mark:

      First, thank you for dropping by. Second, thank you for your gracious comments regarding Please freely print and/or upload my material; I’m glad you find some of it worthy of passing on. I do request proper attribution, both as to author (Lavonne, Andy, or me) and to source (the
      I never met Ralph that I can recall, but I’m familiar with his name. I somehow want to associate him with San Marcos, TX. I took a look at your Website. You indeed have it loaded. I found it impossible to access any of the various pages except “Books.” All of the others (e.g., “Articles”) were either covered with graphics or had broken links, but it may just be a browser problem.

      Yours in the Cause,

      Dub McClish

    1. Hello Elisha,

      Thank you for visiting The Scripturecache and for your kind comments.

      I respectfully suggest that you read the following MSS you will find on my Website:

      On my “Longer Articles” page, please read: “Scripture All-Sufficeincy and Miracles.” 

      On my “Major Manuscripts” page, please read: “Church, The Lord’s, and the Denominations Contrasted,” “Pentecostalism, The Destructive Consequences of,”  “Church of Christ, Surprising Things About the.”

      I will appreciate your reactions to these materials. “Come now, and let us reason together…” (Isa. 1:18).


      Dub McClish


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