CFTF Lectureships

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Contending for the Faith Lectures


Hosted by Church of Christ, Spring, Texas

Directed by David P. Brown

February 20–22, 2015



Without God There Is No Objective Absolute Moral Standard
Michael Hatcher

Civil Government and Morality
Dub McClish

Bruce Stulting

Geoff Litke

Dancing and Immodest Apparel
Andy Hastings

God's Institution of Marriage
Mark Townsend

Divorce and Remarriage
Bruce Stulting

Domestic Violence
John West

Philip Schrei

Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use
Michael Hatcher

Eric Paluka

Pornography, Pedophilia, and Sexual Immorality
Dub McClish



Contending for the Faith Lectures

"Fatal Error about the Holy Spirit"

Hosted by Church of Christ, Spring, Texas

Directed by David P. Brown

February 24–28, 2016


Fatal Error on Acts 2:38–39


Fatal Error on Mark 16:15-20


Fatal Error on the Promise of Holy Spirit Baptism in Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16


Fatal Error that the Holy Spirit is the same Person as Jesus


Fatal Error on the Nature and Purpose of Miracles


Fatal Error of being Filled with the Holy Spirit


Open Forum Thursday – Don Tarbet


Fatal Error of Present Day Holy Spirit Baptism


Fatal Error on 1 Corinthians 13:8-13


Fatal Error On Joels Prophecy in Joel 2 28-32


Fatal Error on the Work of the Holy Spirit in Drawing People to Christ


Fatal Error on John 7 37-39


Fatal Error on the Laying on of Hands of the Apostles of Christ


Fatal Error Concerning the Holy Spirit's Inspiration of the Bible Writers


Open Forum Friday – Daniel Denham


Fatal Error on John 3 5


Fatal Error of a Direct and Immediate Leading by the Holy Spirit Distinct from the Word


Fatal Error on the Doctrine of Speaking in Tongues


Fatal Error on 1 Cor. 12:13


Fatal Error of Mac Deaver on the Work of the Holy Spirit in Sanctification of the Christian


Open Forum Saturday – Michael Hatcher


Fatal Error of John Calvin Doctrine of Irresistible Grace


Fatal Error on Spiritual Gifts


Fatal Error of Special Illumination by the Holy Spirit


Fatal Error of the Work of the Spirit’s Directly on the Sinner in Conjunction with the Word

Author: Dub McClish

2 thoughts on “CFTF Lectureships

  1. Q) what is the 1st love of the church?

    Q) quote "second coming" in HIS WORD

    Q) why did Paul state, despising prophecy after quenching HIS SPIRIT?

    1. Hello James,

      Thaks for visiting The Scripturecache and for your questions.

      Q-1: The “first love” of the church as a body must be the same as the “first love” of each of her members. According to the Lord, the “great and first commandment” is “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Mat. 22:37–38). He later identified the proof of that love: “If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

      Q-2: The precise phrase, second coming, does not appear in the New Testament as far as I know. However, that phrase faithfully represents the New Testament teaching that there will indeed be a “second coming” of the Lord (Mat. 24:42–44; Acts 1:10–11; 1 The. 4:16–17; Heb. 9:28; et al.).

      Q-3: Your question is obviously based on Paul’s statements in 1 Thessalonians 5:19–20: “Quench not the Spirit; despise not prophesying.” However, I fail to understand what you are asking about his statements. He said nothing about despising prophesying, but rather that his original readers were not  to despise such. Likewise, there is nothing in his statement about quenching the Spirit, but he admonished, “Quench not the Spirit.” Both of these statements must be understood in the context of the miraculous manifestations of the Holy Spirit. By this means the apostles were not only empowered to speak the Truth infallibly, but also to confirm it by performing signs, wonders, and miracles (John 16:13–15; Heb. 2:3–4). They alone were also able to confer these miraculous gifts to others (Acts 1:8; 2:43; 6:6–8; 8:14–18; et al.). The miraculouse gifts ceased when the revelation of the Lord’s will—which we have in the New Testament—was completed (1 Cor. 13:8–12). For further study of this subject, I refer you to my MS, “The ll-Sufficiency of the Scriptures and the Cessation of Miracles.” You’ll find it on my “Longer Articles” page.


      Dub McClish

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