Views: 160
Hosted by Bellview Church of Christ, Pensacola, Florida
Directed by Michael Hatcher
June 7–11, 1997
(After clicking on the link below, when video screen loads, please click on the menu icon in the upper left corner to access each of these sermons.)
"Christian Fellowship"
Hosted by Bellview Church of Christ, Pensacola, Florida
Directed by Michael Hatcher
June 13–18, 1998
(After clicking on the link below, when video screen loads, please click on the menu icon in the upper left corner to access each of these sermons.)
"Encouraging Statements of the Bible"
Hosted by Bellview Church of Christ, Pensacola, Florida
Directed by Michael Hatcher
June 9–13, 2001
(After clicking on the link below, when video screen loads, please click on the menu icon in the upper left corner to access each of these sermons.)
"Understanding the Will of the Lord"
Hosted by Bellview Church of Christ, Pensacola, Florida
Directed by Michael Hatcher
June 6–1, 2014
(After clicking on the link below, when video screen loads, please click on the menu icon in the upper left corner to access each of these sermons.)
"Refuting Realized Eschatology"
Hosted by Bellview Church of Christ, Pensacola, Florida
Directed by Michael Hatcher
June 12–16, 2015
Friday, June 12
7:00 pm What Is Realized Eschatology and Its History: Jess Whitlock
8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism: Danny Douglas
Saturday, June 13
9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14: Charles Pogue
10:00 am Prophecy of Joel: Bruce Stulting
11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12: Dub McClish
1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40: Michael Hatcher
2:00 pm Esposition of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12: Johnny Oxendine
7:00 pm The Nature of Prophecy : Jerry Brewer
8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting Realized Eschatology: Daniel Denham
Sunday, June 14
9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses: Michael Hatcher
10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom: Gene Hill
1:00 pm The Grave of Judaism Doctrine: Doug Post
2:00 pm The Bible’s Teaching of Spirit and Soul Regarding Man: Lee Moses
Monday, June 15
9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar (Galatians 4:20-31): Jess Whitlock
10:00 am Sin-Death Doctrine of Realized Eschatology: Daniel Denham
11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29: Charles Pogue
1:00 pm Exposition of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: Johnny Oxendine
2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused by Realized Eschatology: David P. Brown
3:00 pm Open Forum
7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative Language: David P. Brown
8:oo pm The second Coming Gary Summers
Tuesday, June 16
9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13: Jerry Brewer
10:00 am Does Revelation Prove Realized Eschatology? Doug Post
11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36: Dub McClish
1:00 pm The Olivet Discourse and Luke 17:20-37: Lee Moses
2:00 pm The Last Days: Gene Hill
3:00 pm Open Forum
7:00 pm The Judgment and Resurrection of the Dead: Bruce Stulting
8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell: Danny Douglas
Hosted by Bellview Church of Christ, Pensacola, Florida
Directed by Michael Hatcher
June 10–14, 2016
Nature of a Type, Terry Hightower
Interpretation of Types, David P. Brown
Prophet – Michael Hatcher
Priest – Doug Post
King – Wayne Blake
Old Testament Sacrifices – Terry Hightower
Passover – Harrell Davidson
Saturday Open Forum
Abraham – Jerry Brewer
Typical Places – Jess Whitlock
Jonah – Daniel Denham
Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac – Paul Vaughn
Noah's Ark – Wayne Blake
Melchizedek – Lee Moses
Wilderness Wanderings – Paul Vaughn
Moses – Geoff Litke
Hosea – Doug Post
David – Gene Hill
Adam – John West
Monday Open Forum
Sabbath – Daniel Denham
Types of Baptism – Harrell Davidson
The Serpent in the Wilderness – Jerry Brewer
Joshua – John West
Cities of Refuge – David Brown
Restoration – Jess Whitlock
The Court – Gene Hill
Tuesday Open Forum
The Holy Place – Geoff Litke
The Holy of Holies – Lee Moses
1997 Bellview Lectures – Leadership
What are the dates of the upcoming lectureship?
Harold in Broken Arrow, OK
Dear Harold,
I apologize for this late reply. I somehow did not receive a notification of your note and just now stumbledf upon it. The Bellview Lectures will be in June, but I don’t have the exact dates. As the time approaches, the date of the lectureship will be advertised. Thank you for visiting The Scripturecache.
Yours in the Cause,
Dub McClish
Dear brother,
I believe you will find an abundance of outstanding material in the various Bellview lectures. Please use these sermons freely in your work.
Dub McClish
This explanation is here to provide information about the analysis, thank you very much.
Yes, it seems legal to me.
Dear Eelotto,
Thank you for your comments. I’m glad you visited The Scripture Cache and that you took advantage of some of the material on it. I hope you will visit it again and often and that you will tell others about it.
Yours in the Cause,
Dub McClish