Are Alien Sinners Amenable to the Law of Christ?

Views: 74[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction It is exceedingly strange that anyone claiming to be informed in the Word of God would deny that alien sinners are accountable to the law of Christ. However, there have been…

Christ Confronted Error About Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

Views: 60[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction To shallow Bible students, calling Jesus Christ “the great controversialist” might appear misguided, if not blasphemous. They would propose, contrariwise, that He is the source of peace, rather than of conflict,…

CFTF Lectureships

Views: 251 Contending for the Faith Lectures "GOD, THE BIBLE, AND CHRISTIAN CONDUCT" Hosted by Church of Christ, Spring, Texas Directed by David P. Brown February 20–22, 2015   Subjects Without God There Is No Objective Absolute Moral Standard Michael Hatcher Civil Government and Morality…