That Stuff Called “Time”

Views: 57[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] Many of our words are related to the passage of time. We have the precise measurements of seconds, minutes, hours, etc. We also use many words to approximate time lapse…

The Bible and Work

Views: 59[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.] It is interesting to observe differences between older and younger generations of people. One of the most striking differences has to do with moral values of the respective generations. Another difference…

Blessings That Are Burdens

Views: 72[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] I once heard a corny story about a bunch of crows that gorged themselves in a California prune grove. When they had finished, they jumped up on an old plow handle…

“Nobody Ever Visits Me”

Views: 65[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] Occasionally some member of the church remarks, “Nobody ever visits me!” It is almost always a complaint, sometimes uttered in bitterness. I have heard people say it almost as if they…

That’s What You Get

Views: 49[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] Do you ever look at your friends and neighbors and wonder how they have nicer clothes, a bigger car, a finer house, take an expensive vacation every year and eat…

Where Do You “Tune Him Out”?

Views: 86[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.] When I was a small boy my family was very close to a Godly medical doctor in Liberty Hill, TX. This man had a hearing problem and wore a hearing…

Time Will Tell

Views: 76[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.] The passing of time has a great way of putting things in true perspective. A president may be hated and cursed by his contemporaries, but his administration may be given a…

Some Signs of Spiritual Decline

Views: 77[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page. A deadly disease attacked our beautiful native live oak trees several decades ago called “live oak decline.” It was identifiable by branches that gradually lost their leaves and died. Tragically,…

A “Head-Only” Religion

Views: 68[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] The other day I asked a lady where she went to church. She told me and then explained, “I am not a ‘practicing _______.’” Then, pointing to her head, she continued, “I’m…