A Few Kind Words to PWDABC*

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In a few exceptional cases, children who have been reared In Christian homes, whose parents very faithfully attended Bible classes and worship, have turned reprobate. Likewise, there are exceptional cases where children who did not have any spiritual emphasis in their homes have later come under the Gospel’s power and have become very faithful saints. However, both of these are exceptions.

The Lord knew that the prevailing rule in child-rearing would always be that children are products of their training (Pro. 22:6). For this cause, Moses commanded Israelite parents to use every possible moment and method to teach their children God’s law (Deu. 6:6–9). For this same cause Paul urges, “Ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but nurture them in the chastening and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4).

That little boy who presently has no responsibility for good or evil in his infantile innocence will grow into manhood before you know it. What kind of man are you growing in that little fellow? The little girl playing with her doll today will cradle her own baby in her arms someday. What sort of wife and mother will she be? As parents, we hold the key more than anyone else. Do you want a son or daughter who loves the Lord and the church? Do you want your child to establish his own truly Christian home when he leaves your home?

If you don’t care, you probably haven’t read this far anyway. If you do care you will do everything possible to provide the spiritual training your child needs. This care is not consistent with carelessness about the obvious opportunity provided to assist you in the spiritual training of your children in Bible classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.

Parents, don’t you be the cause of the absence of your children in their proper class. I beg you to consider the tragedy of causing one of these “little ones” to stumble (Mat. 18:6). If you are not now in the habit, get in the habit of bringing them to their class and attending your own.           

*Parents Who Don’t Attend Bible Classes.

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in the September 11, 1974, edition of Granbury Gospel, weekly bulletin of the Granbury Church of Christ, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.



Author: Dub McClish

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