Miracles Have Ceased

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]

Many thousands have been caught up in the resurgence of “Pentecostalism” in the past few years. Such organizations as the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International have helped spread the phenomenon into many Protestant and Catholic groups. Prime time on television is frequently used by Pentecostal adherents, such as Oral Roberts (although he is officially a Methodist). The claim for which Pentecostals are most noted is “baptism in the Holy Spirit,” allegedly enabling them to work certain miracles or signs. Without casting the slightest reflection on their sincerity, I call in question the ability of any of them to produce any kind of result that compares with the miracles recorded in the Bible. I do not assume the role of a judge of others in such a statement; rather, I believe we should allow the Bible to be the Judge. Obviously, much more can be said on the subject, but consider the following:

  1. Miracle-workers in the Bible did not publicize their miracles or use them to create a sensation or finances. Yet, this is often, if not usually, the case today.
  2. There was no limit to who could be healed or what could be done (replacing a limb, walking on water, stilling a storm, et al.), for they were truly working by Divine power. They didn’t screen the “hard cases” and refuse them as is commonly done today.
  3. There were no partial or gradual healings in the Bible. They were instantly made whole. They didn’t start feeling better after 2 more weeks in the hospital after the healing, as is sometimes the case today.
  4. Jesus never failed, having to explain His failures, as is so often the case today.
  5. No one raised a question about true Bible miracles. Even enemies knew they were genuine.
  6. Jesus and the apostles did not heal by the faith of the one in need, but by power of God.
  7. Jesus and the apostles did far more than heal or speak in tongues. Yet these are the only “miracles” most of the Pentecostals claim to do. Why don’t they raise the dead or drink some sulfuric acid, or reveal some new message from God? All of these and many other things were capabilities of true miracle-workers in the Bible.

Modern-day “miracles” just don’t measure up.

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in the September 30, 1975, edition of Granbury Gospel,weekly bulletin of the Church of Christ, Granbury, Texas, of which I was editor.

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; McClish, owner and administrator.


Author: Dub McClish

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