Still Not Convinced?

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.]

Some seem to think that those of us who continue to warn of the perils of militant atheism and humanism are merely alarmists. They reason, “Surely, it couldn’t be all that bad.” For those still not convinced, perhaps a few comments “straight from the horse’s mouth” will change your minds. All the quotations from Madalyn Murray O’Hair in the balance of this column were taken from an interview with the Godless “Joan of Arc” conducted by Philip Nobile, a reporter for the Universal Press Syndicate. The interview was conducted and published in 1978, so one can safely assume that these statements still represented Mrs. O’Hair’s views at the time of her death in 1995. 

What were her plans for pushing atheism?

“We decided that merely having our own Vatican (referring to her Austin headquarters, we suppose—DM) wasn’t enough. The religious community is never going to give up its dominance…unless we vigorously assault them and wrest from them the freedoms the atheists should have. We will file suit after suit in court. We have 14 going now.”

Among these suits, is one to have removed “In God We Trust” from our money. When Mr. Nobile asked her what other remnants of religion she would like to rid the nation of, she replied: “You must be kidding. I’d like to close down every (profanity deleted) church in the country.”

        Mrs. O’Hair liked to project the image that she was the all-time champion of civil rights. It’s strange how quickly she and various other special interest groups (Homosexuals, Women’s Libbers, etc.) forget their “civil rights” dictum when it comes to the civil rights of their opponents. When asked, “I thought you just wanted civil rights for atheists? What have you got against churchgoers exercising their religious rights?” she replied:

“From the atheist viewpoint, religion is the wildest form of insanity. I would turn every church into a home for the aged or an out-patient clinic., etc. Christianity, which is anti-science, anti-life, anti-sex, anti-woman, anti-freedom, anti-peace is detrimental to the United States.”

        In case you missed it, let me tell you what Mrs. O’Hair meant by the above-listed terms:

  • anti-science—opposes those who believe in creation rather than evolution
  • anti-life—against those who deplore abortion as a means of population control
  • anti-sex—defies those who stand for Biblical sexual conduct
  • anti-woman—disagrees with those who respect the God-given roles of man and woman
  • anti-freedom—challenges those who believe man must live by God’s laws, rather than in wild abandon
  • anti-peace—opposes those who do not believe in “peace at any price” compromise

        She boldly stated that religion “should be outlawed.” Do you see why many of us are very concerned at her continued influence?

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in The Edifier, weekly bulletin of Pearl Street Church of Christ, Denton, TX, November 30, 1982, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.





Author: Dub McClish

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