New Testament Worship

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            Worship is man’s expression of love, praise, and thanksgiving to God. In the very nature of the case, man does not know how to acceptably worship God apart from His revelation. To worship according to the teachings or feelings of men is worthless (Mat. 15:9). Man’s thoughts and ways are far beneath those of Almighty God (Isa. 55:8–9). Therefore, that which might be very pleasing to men in the name of worship, might be totally disgusting and unacceptable to God (1 Sam. 15:10–22). All who have lived since the cross live under the New Testament (Gal. 5:3–4); Col. 2:14; Heb. 9:15–17). Therefore, to understand what will please God in worship, we must turn to the New Testament.

            Jesus stated a very important principle: “God is a Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and Truth” (John 4:24). Herein are three great Truths that should govern our worship.

  1. The right object—God. Man cannot worship Buddha, Mohammed, Baal, or a Brahma cow and be acceptable. Man must worship his Creator, the true and living God, revealed in the Bible.
  2. The right attitude—in spirit. This apparently is a reference to man’s spiritual, thinking, or reasoning ability. When one worships or serves God, it must involve more than merely his lips; it must come from “the heart” (Mat. 15:8; Rom. 6:17–18). Mere outward acts of ritual may receive the praises of men, but they are repugnant to God (Mat. 6:2, 5). To worship God acceptably, man must understand and discern what he is doing (1 Cor. 11:29; 14:15). Simply put, our worship must be genuine and sincere.
  3. The right way—in Truth. God alone knows what will please Him and He has revealed it only in His Word, the source of all religious Truth (John 17:17). Only in the New Testament can we learn what will please God in worship. Men jeopardize their souls when they add to it their own ways or subtract from it what God has ordained (Rev. 22:18–29).

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, August 21, 1977.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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