Objections to Evolution

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            Through books, movies, magazine articles, television programs, and other media, the public is constantly bombarded with the evolutionary theories concerning the origin of the universe and the life within it. The impression is usually left that evolution is a settled fact and that only an ignoramus would even question it. I not only question it, I openly deny it, for the following reasons.

  1. It denies spiritual realities. The true evolutionist accepts only the material world. To him, God is an invention of man, the Bible is only a human product, and man is not a soul, only a body, therefore, denying the judgment, Heaven, and Hell. These deny the plainest teachings of Scripture.
  2. It cuts men loose from God. To the evolutionist man is the result of a natural accident. In his view, a living, one-celled animal spontaneously developed from non-living matter and gradually evolved over billions of years until it was able to crawl out of the sea and finally change into a man, all by accident. This philosophy cuts man loose from God and any accountability to His laws. It is no coincidence that the increased popularity of evolution and the ever-spiraling crime rate have happened together. It should be expected.
  3. It is unproved and unprovable theory, not scientific Truth, or fact. It contradicts spiritual and religious Truth in many points. It contradicts much of the historical Truth of the Bible. It also denies many scientific facts, e.g., only life can produce life and simple forms cannot change into more complex forms. The fossil records refute rather than support evolution. It is not only just a theory, but it is an erroneous theory.
  4. It is a philosophy, a faith, a religion itself. While the true evolutionist ridicules faith in God, he practices his own faith. He is utterly prejudiced for his case and will rarely consider evidence against it. He bows at the altar of pseudo-science blindly believing his incredible theories.

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, November 14, 1976.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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