Some Wonders of Jesus’ Birth

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[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles  page.]

The Biblical record of the birth of Jesus Christ notably omits the date of its occurrence and any record of a special observance of the occasion. Although centuries distant, it is still a subject of great wonder for several reasons:

The simple and delicate record…

Inspired historians consistently treat events of surpassing significance with brevity and parsimony (e.g., Creation, the flood). In a scant forty verses (Mat. 1:18–2:12; Luke 2:1–20), we read the facts of Jesus’ parentage and the place and purpose of His birth. The means of His conception is simply reported, providing the true purpose and perspective for the event.

The humble circumstances…

Men expect kings to be born in pomp and splendor and in great cities. Baby Jesus began His earthly life in miserable circumstances. Bethlehem was a humble village overshadowed by nearby majestic Jerusalem. There was no palace, no hospital, no doctor, nor even a room in a house. His birthplace was a cowshed, His bassinette a feed trough. Nevertheless, He would become “King of kings” and “Lord of lords.”

The heavenly announcements and praise…

An angel announced the impending birth to Mary and Joseph. An angel alerted the shepherds to this miraculous event, and a grand company of angels issued a chorus of praise in honor of the occasion. No other birth has ever excited such attention and interest from Heaven.

The attraction of foreign sages…

Weddings, funerals, and births of known princes have long attracted notables from afar, but Jesus was unknown, even in His own nation. The magi traveled several hundred miles to honor Jesus’ birth.

The political jealousy and murder it stirred…

King Herod’s insane jealousy could not abide any thought of a political rival. In his effort to eliminate the imagined threat, he slaughtered several defenseless infants and broke the hearts of perhaps dozens of parents. (Before we judge Herod too harshly, may we reflect on the millions of defenseless babes that American mothers, judges, and doctors have shamelessly sacrificed on abortion’s bloody altar since 1973.)

It occurred without a human begettal…

Mary’s conception of Jesus was by means of the Holy Spirit, apart from a human husband, as both Matthew and Luke matter-of-factly state. Isaiah foresaw this singular event seven centuries in advance (Isa. 7:14). Only by the Divine begettal could the Word become flesh and dwell among us (John 1:14). He deserves the praise, honor, and obedience of all humanity.

[Note: This article was written for and published in the Denton Record-Chronicle, Denton, TX, May 29, 2009.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.





Author: Dub McClish

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