Destructible Deities

Views: 62[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]             When a Buddhist temple burned in a Texas city, the image of Buddha, their object of worship, melted. While none should rejoice in the property loss our fellow-citizens sustained,…

“Growing” A Church—At What Price?

Views: 82[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction Some brethren will do almost anything to bring numerical and financial growth to a congregation. They will mutilate, innovate, and obfuscate the Gospel in order to have it. “Growth (as they…

CFTF Lectureships

Views: 251 Contending for the Faith Lectures "GOD, THE BIBLE, AND CHRISTIAN CONDUCT" Hosted by Church of Christ, Spring, Texas Directed by David P. Brown February 20–22, 2015   Subjects Without God There Is No Objective Absolute Moral Standard Michael Hatcher Civil Government and Morality…