Righteousness Exalts A Nation

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[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.]

[Author’s Note: I wrote this article in advance of the 2012 Presidential election.]

Our nation is in manifold difficulties that threaten to destroy the America the Founders envisioned and of which many of us have long been proud citizens. These troubles include dire economic woes at home and crisis conditions abroad. Even deeper problems relate to the loss of faith in God, in the Bible as the Word of God, and of a moral compass and core. Truth be told, the first-listed troubles above are related to the second list. One especially suspects this relationship when one considers the public (and all-too-imaginable non-public) misconduct of so many of those who control the nation’s political power.

The upcoming elections will likely determine whether or not our nation sinks more deeply into the morass. If we elect people who will continue the current direction, we will likely never recover our place of moral leadership and defender of freedom; America will never be the same. However, if honorable men and women are elected, that disaster may be avoided.

Voters will not only elect a president, but also senators and representatives. We must remember that the next president will likely appoint two or three justices to the Supreme Court, whose decisions will affect the course of our nation for decades—for good or for ill. This election therefore looms as the most important one in our history.

No congregation of the Lord’s people can be part of a political party. However, individual Christians certainly can (and should) be thus involved. We have an obligation when it comes to casting our vote: “Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good” (Rom. 12:9). This dictum—not blind party loyalty—must guide our votes.

Political parties have their flaws, and there are no flawless candidates. However, the contrasts between the two major parties (and their respective candidates), and their “platforms” are vast regarding moral/spiritual issues and emphases. How can a Christian be faithful to God if he votes for any candidate who represents a party or endorses the leader of a party that is involved in such as the following?

  • Ordering a symbol of Jesus’ name covered before he would speak at a religious university, lest he offend Muslims
  • Consistently omitting the Creator when quoting from the Declaration of Independence
  • Openly refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Law
  • Exchanging E pluribus unum for In God We Trust as our National Motto
  • Forcing health workers to violate their consciences pertaining to abortions and funneling tax dollars to abortion mills
  • Endorsing homosexual “rights,” including same-sex “marriages”
  • Omitting even one mention of God in its platform, and loudly “booing” when political expediency forced its inclusion
  • Demonstrating that its leadership and much of its membership despise God, the Bible, and the moral principles taught therein

I need not name either the party or any of its candidates described above; those with even a modicum of awareness (of the past four years, especially) can easily identify both. No leader of a major party has ever evinced so much open hostility toward God and those who believe in Him and His Word as the leader of the party (and his cohorts) now in power. It will only get worse if they remain in power. Christians dare not stay at home on Election Day, November 6 (unless they vote early). Scriptural principles will not allow the Lord’s people to vote for those who subscribe to the foregoing list of anti-Biblical actions.  Moreover, those same Scriptural principles require us to make our voices heard in favor of those who stand opposed to them. Not voting at all will in effect be a vote for the Godless candidates/party. As a people who love God and our country, let us all pray that the right people will be elected, and let us do what we can to see that they are.

Righteousness exalteth a nation; But sin is a reproach to any people (Pro. 14:34).

When the righteous are increased, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man beareth rule, the people sigh (Pro. 29:2).

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in The Lighthouse, weekly bulletin of Northpoint Church of Christ, Denton, TX, September 30, 2012, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.



Author: Dub McClish

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