Reject, But Don’t Deny #2

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It is a sad fact that the majority of humankind in every generation rejects God by rejecting His Word. Such was all but universal in the wicked age of Noah; all but eight persons of the ante-diluvian populace rejected God. Only two of those Hebrews who crossed the Red Sea later crossed Jordan into Canaan.

Jesus’ words apply to every generation: “Many” travel the “broad way” that ends in destruction, while only a “few” obey serve God and walk the “strait” road to life eternal (Mat. 7:13–14).

It is bad enough to reject some doctrine of God’s Word. It is worse to reject it and then seek to contort the Bible to justify what one has rejected. Peter described those who would dishonestly “wrest” the Scriptures “to their own destruction” (2 Pet. 3:15–16). Such “received not the love of the truth” and “believed not the truth” (2 The. 2:10–12). What are some Bible doctrines that men reject, but which they cannot honestly deny the Bible teaches?

  • Since the passing of “no-fault” divorce laws a few decades ago, the divorce rate has greatly (and predictably) accelerated. However, Jesus still teaches that one may divorce one’s spouse and marry another only if one’s spouse is guilty of fornication (e.g., sexual infidelity) (Mat. 5:31–32; 19:3–9). Millions want to “have it both ways,” professing respect for Divine law while living in marital adultery. Efforts to justify the rejection of Jesus’ mandate always end in twisting His words to create a “loophole.” Men may reject His words, but they cannot remain honest and deny the force of them.
  • A large percentage of the world’s population is pagan and does not accept Jesus Christ as the only Savior of men. He is only one of several “prophets” of God to Muslims and Bahais. Atheists/Humanists laugh at the concept of “salvation,” let alone the “Saviorhood” of Jesus (if such a person ever lived!). A growing number of professed “Christians” (including religious leaders) are so tainted by pluralism, political correctness, and postmodernism that they now allow for other “Saviors.” The Bible teaches plainly and repeatedly, however, that Jesus of Nazareth is God’s only begotten Son and that He is the only Savior (John 8:24; 14:6; 20:30–31; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 2:3; 1 John 5:11–12; et al.). Pseudo disciples may reject what the Bible teaches about Jesus as the only Savior just as the most ardent Hindu does, but let them be honest enough not to deny that the Bible so teaches. Rejection of Jesus’ Word equals rejection of Him—and final rejection by Him (John 12:48).

[Note: I wrote this article for and it appeared in the Denton Record-Chronicle, Denton, TX, July 31, 2015].

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.




Author: Dub McClish

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