The Church of Secularism

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Secularism is from a Latin term, meaning “relating to an age or period.” When used in a religious context, the secularist stands not only apart from, but also opposed to religion. In reference to “Christianity” (in its broadest concept), secularismstands opposed to every vestige of belief in God, in Jesus as God’s Son, and/or in the Bible as God’s Word. It has been present in our nation for a century; in recent decades, it has been in virulent assault mode.

Secularists have targeted the US because most of our founders, though bound by denominational creeds, believed in God, in Jesus Christ as His Son, and in the Bible as Their inspired revelation. Consequently, the Constitution and Bill of Rights they produced reflect that Biblical faith. With two centuries of the secularization (and more recently, Islamification) of Western Europe, America is the last bastion of any degree of “Christianity.” It must be erased here, also.

Ironically, anti-religion/anti-Christian secularism is itself a religion—The Church of Secularism (TCOS). Under the guise of opposing state establishment of religion (“Christianity” in this case), TCOS has knowingly perverted the First Amendment’s “establishment” clause of the Bill of Rights, which forbids establishment of a state-mandated religion and guarantees citizens “free exercise” of religion without government interference. Our founders never imagined that Secularists would ever so control the levers of power (including jurists on the Supreme Court and presidents) as it now does.

TCOS’s opposition to state establishment of a religion is unmitigated hypocrisy. Its real aim is to place TCOS in that role. It has turned freedom of religion into freedom from religion (except its own)—the last thing the founding fathers ever envisioned.

TCOS has many “denominations,” including liberalism (political and theological), socialism, progressivism, Communism, feminism, multiculturalism, New Ageism, Atheism, Humanism, agnosticism, Satanism, and others—all promoted and defended by the misnamed American Civil Liberties Union. The Bible has its Decalogue; TCOS has its “Octalogue”:

  1. Thou shalt have no God (especially the God of the Bible).
  2. Remember daily to seek only thine own will and pleasure.
  3. Honor thy parents until they age—then euthanize them.
  4. Thou shalt murder thy babies that are an inconvenience.
  5. Thou shalt commit fornication and adultery without shame.
  6. Thou shalt steal from producers and give it to dead-beats.
  7. Thou shalt freely lie to further thy selfish ambitions.
  8. Thou shalt covet everything and pursue it by hook or crook.

Is TCOS already the established religion of America?

[Note: I wrote this article for and it appeared in the Denton Record-Chronicle, Denton, TX, October 14, 2016.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.



Author: Dub McClish

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