How Much Do You Know about the Bible?

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]

Just for the fun of it, I want you to take a little test of your Bible knowledge.  Don’t use your Bible until you finish.  Ready?

  1. Luke was one of the twelve apostles?                                   True                False
  2. Did Abraham live under the Law of Moses? Yes                  No
  3. How many books are in the Bible? 50                    66                    75
  4. How many spies were sent into Canaan? _________________________________
  5. The Jordan River ends in this sea? _______________________________________
  6. This man was the first High Priest. ______________________________________
  7. Who wrote the book of Acts? ____________________________________________
  8. What does the word “Bible” mean? ______________________________________
  9. Give two other names for the Sea of Galilee. _______________________________
  10. Name the three sons of Noah____________________________________________
  11. Is Beersheba a woman, a country, a river or a city? _________________________
  12. Who came first, Abraham or Noah? ______________________________________
  13. Name the mother of John the Baptizer? ___________________________________
  14. Who led Israel after Moses died? _________________________________________
  15. Lebanon was famous for what trees? ______________________________________
  16. “Cleanliness is next to godliness” is a Scripture quotation. True False
  17. How many Bible books did Peter write? ___________________________________
  18. Who was chosen to take Judas’ place? _____________________________________
  19. Name the city where Paul was stoned. _____________________________________
  20. The story of the Ark is in…  Genesis          Job               Mark
  21. Who wrote the book of Hezekiah? ________________________________________
  22. In what city did Paul preach about the “unknown God”? ____________________
  23. What Bible character was educated in the famous school of Gamaliel______________________________________________________________
  24. Who came first, Solomon, Saul, or David? ________________________________
  25. Who told Saul to “Arise and be baptized” to wash away his sins? _____________
  26. From what mountain did Jesus ascend? ___________________________________
  27. Where did God send Jonah to preach? _____________________________________
  28. On what sea did Jesus quiet the storm? ____________________________________
  29. On what sea did Jesus walk? _____________________________________________
  30. Was Nazareth in …  Samaria              Judea          Galilee
  31. To what city was Saul traveling when the Lord appeared to him? _____________
  32. Israel was another name for ______________________________________________
  33. Simon was another name for _____________________________________________
  34. Levi was another name for _______________________________________________
  35. Didymus was another name for ___________________________________________
  36. Name the first king of Israel after the kingdom divided ______________________
  37. What was the name of Moses’ sister? ______________________________________
  38. In what city did Paul convert the jailer? ____________________________________
  39. Name the wife of Uriah the Hittite. ________________________________________
  40. Who was the “goddess of the Ephesians_______________________________

Deduct 2-1/2 points from 100 for each error,  I’d like to know if you made 100.

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in The Edifier, weekly bulletin of Pearl Street Church of Christ, Denton, TX, January 24, 1988, of which I was editor.

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.



Author: Dub McClish

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