“I Thank My God. . .”

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]

Paul began his letter to the Philippians by saying: “I thank my God upon all my remembrance of you” (Phi. 1:3).

Sometimes I get “bogged down” in thoughts about those who are careless about the way they live. Undeniably, there are many who can’t be counted on, who can’t be motivated to get really serious about being Christians, who are uncooperative or who otherwise are a disappointment to the faithful. I could spend all of my time talking and worrying about such people and the problems they cause, but this would not be right. While they deserve some of my time and attention, there is another group that deserves some of it too.

There is great joy in thinking of and working with those who cause a smile at every remembrance of them. Indulge me this space to sing the praise of those who:

  1. Are always here “every time the doors are open.” They don’t have to be begged or pushed. They come because they love God’s work and Word and people. Some miss worship so much they are not missed when they miss, but not these. You know something is wrong when they are not in their class or the assembly.
  2. Are always “ready unto every good work.” They work for and attend Gospel meetings faithfully. Start a visitation program and they are ready to visit. Plan a door-knocking campaign and they are ready to help. Start a major lectureship and they are ready to serve. These same people are many of the ones that are already very busy teaching Bible classes and serving in other ways.
  3. Are always conscious that their daily speech and behavior are powerful influences for good or evil. Because of this they sincerely try to live the Christian life every day, and only eternity will reveal how much they have been light and salt to the world.
  4. Are generous with God’s blessings upon them. They have compassionate hearts for the needs of others and especially for those without the Gospel. To them it is a great blessing and joy to give to the Lord’s cause. They give generously every week and at times of special needs, also.
  5. Are always looking for someone they can lead to Christ and who feel a real responsibility to do so. I truly thank God for you all!

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in The Edifier, weekly bulletin of Pearl Street Church of Christ, Denton, TX, March 5, 1987, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.





Author: Dub McClish

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