A Salute to the Faithful

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]

It is easy to get “bogged down” in our evaluations of things that surround us. It seems at times that most of our elected officials are dishonest and self-seeking. While some surely are, there are also many men and women who represent us in government who are honorable and trustworthy leaders. Sometimes it appears that everyone has become morally corrupt and materialistic. However, a more objective appraisal reminds us that there are still many upright and honest citizens in our republic. The stinkers just seem to be most in the news.

This principle is true among the Lord’s people as well. While there are many in the church today who are actively preaching false doctrine and/or remaining silent in the face of it, we need to be reminded that there is still a large residue of earnest, dedicated folk scattered all across the earth who would die before they would give an inch on matters of Truth.

This is also true in the local church. Sometimes it must seem that preachers and elders never take note of any besides the unfaithful, careless, worldly and covetous brethren. Indeed, we do (because we must) devote time and attention to reproving, rebuking and exhorting such brethren to be faithful (2 Tim. 4:2). However, we would not (and should not) leave the impression that none are faithful nor that we never take notice of those who are devoted.

The truth is that there are many in the local church who are faithful servants of our Lord. You can count on their attendance in Bible school on Sunday morning and Wednesday night and for both worship assemblies on the Lord’s day unless they are sick or have some other unavoidable hindrance. They are the ones who give regularly (even when they have to be absent) and generously of their money that the work of the Lord might be accomplished and expanded. When there is a crisis, the faithful are the ones who can be counted on to be loyal to God’s Word regardless of close ties to friends or relatives. The faithful are the ones who respond when there is a “workday” at the building or when extra office work must be done.

The faithful are those who study their Bibles at home and who read sound, faith-strengthening Gospel papers and books. The faithful are those who are interested in teaching the lost, privately and publicly. Thank God for the faithful who keep right on going in spite of discouragement and opposition!

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in The Edifier, weekly bulletin of Pearl Street Church of Christ, Denton, TX, January 28, 1988, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.


Author: Dub McClish

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