“Dare to Go Bare”

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The title above is taken from an advertisement in a national women’s magazine, according to an AP news story. It is part of a campaign by the American Sunbathing Association to attract the general public to the world of nudism. Isn’t it grand to know that now, instead of reading about them, or buying magazines full of pictures of these uninhibited, shameless perverts, one can visit a nudist camp this summer and even take his whole family?

Robert G. Johnston, president of ASA, says concerning this move:

We’ve decided to come out of the woodwork and operate competitive recreational facilities…. We’re inviting the public to come visit us just as they might visit Disney World.

If you have doubted the general laxity of sexual morality in our land before, ponder Johnston’s next statement. He says that the new open-door policy

…is a goal we’ve been building toward for several years—made possible by the public’s increased acceptance of nudity.

How’s that for testimony from an expert in his field?

But what does he mean, “the public’s increased acceptance of nudity?” I don’t know exactly what he has in mind, but consider the following obvious factors: The mini-skirt has exposed more female skin over the past half-dozen years than short-shorts and swimsuits did in the past three decades. (Among the printable reasons given for her design of the mini, Mary Quant confides “…in order to seduce a man.”) From the wild public acceptance of immoral fashion, the moviemakers, pornography purveyors, and TV producers have taken their cue. A resultant alarming level of increased tolerance for public undress has occurred. If you still scoff at what Johnston says, just consider that the assembly of the saints hosts many a shamefully bare thigh on any given Lord’s day. Some brethren I know will no longer serve the Lord’s Supper because of this distraction. Those who “dare to go bare” would do well to reconsider their behavior (Mat. 5:28; 18:7; Rom 12:1–2; Gal. 5: l9–21; 1 Tim. 2;9; Jam. 1:27; 1 Pet. 2 :9).

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in Granbury Gospel, weekly bulletin of the Church of Christ, Granbury, TX, January 25, 1974 of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator



Author: Dub McClish

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