Ignoring Scientific Methods

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A brief article in a newspaper attracted my attention recently (Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 11/24/76). Headlined “Death of Russian Scientist Told,” and datelined Moscow, it told of the death of Trofim Lysenko, November 23. The one-paragraph article states that his theories were “more sound politically than experimentally.” Lysenko lived through both the Stalin and Khrushchev regimes and was the pet of them both. Reportedly, he received their backing because of his genetic theory which claimed that acquired characteristics in a plant or animal could be passed on to its offspring. The article states, “Such theories went against existing evidence, but supported the Communist doctrine that society can change human nature.” Lysenko’s fortunes fell with the fall of Khrushchev and his critics charged that he “ignored scientific methods” and “falsified results of experiments.”

My question is, “Why be so hard on poor old Lysenko?” He was not by himself in advocating the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Until a few years ago most devotees of the religion of evolution everywhere advocated this theory of how life supposedly evolved. So Lysenko was politically motivated. Why does that make him so much worse than others who held the theory for other reasons? Most grasped at it to help support their rabid anti-creationist prejudices. When one is skating on thin ice he will grasp even for straws. The article truly says, “Such theories went against existing evidence,” but it took decades for some of the most “learned” men of science to admit it.

Notice that Lysenko was accused of “ignoring scientific method” and “falsifying results of experiments.” This is an apt description of the whole evolutionary scheme. The evolutionist admits that the odds against evolution’s occurrence are inconceivable, still he blindly believes it. He has no mechanism to explain it, still he believes it. He must believe that life came from non-living matter quite by accident, still he believes it. The geologic timetable is a farce and is the product of evolutionists to support their theory. The fossil record exposes evolution rather than supporting it, yet evolutionists believe it.

Lysenko recognized the kinship between Communism and evolutionary theories. Not all evolutionists are Communists, but all Communists are evolutionists.

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in the December 2, 1976, edition of Granbury Gospel, weekly bulletin of the Church of Christ, Granbury, Texas, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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