Public School and Bible School

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.]

It is such a widely acknowledged truism that strong churches do not exist without a strong Bible school that we need not even bother to document it. Generally, the stronger the Bible school, the stronger that church is going to be. Because these premises are true, the leadership of a church is seriously lacking in vision and wisdom if it fails to insist upon the finest Bible school program possible. While our public schools are not perfect, there are some things we can learn from them that will help us in our Bible schools. For the most part, these are just common-sense principles that educators and administrators have long followed in the schools.

Teachers don’t select their own subjects and materials. School administrators determine what courses are to be taught and who will teach them. Imagine what chaos would exist if every public-school teacher were allowed to choose the subjects they would teach and then use materials of their own choosing. Only by following a master plan for what is taught and by assigning these courses to the teachers can anything near a complete education be provided. Far too often Bible school teachers are allowed to choose what they want to teach, rather than being assigned what to teach. Only by planning what should be taught at every level, according to student needs, can we ever produce anything near a complete Bible education for our people.

Teachers are expected to support other school activities. Most teachers in academic subjects support music and sports activities. It is not only something that they are expected to do, but something they do because their lives revolve around the school. If one is going to represent God as a Bible school teacher, he or she ought to want to faithfully attend Gospel meetings and take part in other church activities. We believe elders have the right to expect them to, also.

Teachers are expected to meet certain standards set by the school board. This involves professional, philosophical, and moral standards (thank God for school boards that still insist on such). Bible school teachers should be expected to meet certain standards. Of the three sets of standards mentioned, the latter two are by far the most important. A teacher should be called to account for teaching that one can be saved outside of the Lord’s church or for encouraging such worldly things as immodest clothing, drinking, dancing, and such.

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in the February 7, 1980, edition of Granbury Gospel, weekly bulletin of the Church of Christ, Granbury, Texas, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.


Author: Dub McClish

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