I Like Drumsticks

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I always did like drumsticks. I just can’t get along without eating one every 20 or 30 minutes. In fact, I like them so well that I eat one every morning before breakfast and another while I am dressing. I depend on them so much that I can’t sleep at night if I don’t have my bedtime drumstick. If I have to do without my drumsticks for too long at a time, everything seems to go wrong. I get very nervous, and my family seems to “keep their distance.”

I wouldn’t think of leaving for work without a good supply of drumsticks! I keep a special dish on my desk where I put the bones I polish off during the day. When I come home in the afternoon, I enjoy eating a drumstick while I relax and look at the paper. I have grown accustomed to hearing my wife complain about the crumbs around my chair and the grease spots on my clothes and the furniture.

When I go to worship, I always take a pocketful of drumsticks. It’s really a task to tear myself away from the other fellows at Bible class time. After my class, 1 can hardly wait to get outside to have another drumstick (in fact, sometimes I take a bite before I get outside the door). Some ill-mannered person told me once that I should not throw the bones down on the ground, nor the empty sack either. Imagine such gall! Every once in a while, as I enter the building for worship, somebody brushes my coat off and looks at me like my face was greasy or something.

I have never bothered to figure up how much I spend on drumsticks a week. I suppose at .40 a pound, maybe $5.00 per week might be a reasonable guess and that’s only a little more than $20.00 a month. How much do I give to the Lord per week? What business is that of yours? And besides, that doesn’t have any connection with my habit anyway. Eating drumsticks is really a very harmless habit and you can’t show me where the Bible condemns it. (No, I don’t really have such a craving for drumsticks, but if I did, how long would you put up with me?)

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in the May 30, 1972, edition of Sentinel, weekly bulletin of the Sunset Church of Christ, Carlsbad, New Mexico, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.




Author: Dub McClish

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