“Good Bye, God”

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]

One day our five-year-old Bronwen got up from the chair in which she sat during our devotional period each morning and made her way to the TV set to turn on ”Captain Kangaroo.” She had just finished a fast “Amen” to her prayer, and as she made her way toward the TV set, she said to our horror “Goodbye, God.” We properly chided her for dismissing God from her life so abruptly as she began to watch her favorite program. We tried to use this as an opportunity to teach her that we cannot dismiss God or turn him off and on with such nonchalance. We realized, of course, that she uttered her words in complete innocence. I doubt that she will do the same thing again. But the more I pondered what she did the more I thought about how many adults have the same conception of God.

Some people think they can attend church once on Sunday, wave “Goodbye” to God, and not give Him another thought until next Sunday. In the intervening days they may defraud, curse, falsify, and frequent places unfrequented by Christ, but they paid their respects Sunday and can dismiss God for the week. Some people have waved “Goodbye” to God over no more than a T.V. program. I verily believe that some of my brethren will be lost because they let the all-powerful T.V. set interfere with visiting, teaching, planning, and studying that had to take second place. Others bid Him “Goodbye” till trouble comes, then their feelings change. Let’s understand that we live every moment in His presence. “He is not far from every one of us” (Acts 17:27). May this sobering thought make our lives more God-centered. We can’t throw God in a corner when we grow weary of His way and claim Him again at will.

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in The Beacon, weekly bulletin of Alberta Church of Christ, Tuscaloosa, AL February 12, 1964, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.


Author: Dub McClish

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