“Repent of Your Faith”

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.]

In one of the many church bulletins received at the office every week, there appeared the following words in an article on the subject of becoming a Christian. “Repent of your faith in him, be buried with him in baptism unto the forgiveness of your sins.” I think it is obvious what the author had in mind to say, but upon rereading the words there seemed to be a vital exhortation to many Christians. Many who at a previous time have repented of sins and confessed their faith in Christ have not been faithful to this profession and they therefore need to “repent of their faith.” Jesus had this problem with his own disciples as He lived here. They were supposedly anxious about their necessities of life and Jesus rebuked them saying, “…if God so clothes the grass of the field…shall he not much more clothe, you, o ye of little faith“? (Mat. 6:30). Many in the church here have not enough faith to seek Christ’s Kingdom first, trusting that all of these things shail be added unto them if they will.

Because of this lack of faith God gets the leftovers in money, time, and ability from too many of us. Some have not enough faith to be with the saints every time they assemble to worship and study. Others are here who have not enough faith to live for the Lord every day He gives us. Still others have not enough faith to voice their objections to the evils of the world. But why this lack? Paul says that faith comes by hearing God’s Word. There is no substitute for study if we would grow in faith. ”Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in The Encourager, weekly bulletin of Church of Christ, Iowa Park, TX, March 10, 1960, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.


Author: Dub McClish

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