Studies in Evolution — No. 6

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            If the evolutionary explanation concerning the origin of things in general, and life in particular, is correct, then certain other things must follow.  For example:

  1. Non-living matter (rocks, water, basic elements, etc,) had to begin spontaneously. The evolutionist has no reasonable explanation for where matter came from or how it even came to be. He says it just happened, and, with no evidence except an atheistic presupposition, he asks us to blindly accept this, just on his word. It is a bit inconsistent, at least, that all the scientists with their advanced equipment and technologies, using all their engineering, designing and inventive skills, are not able to create any matter, and then to hear the same scientists say that all matter is a result of unthinking, accidental, natural forces. There seems to be a good argument for ignorance here, since ignorance and accident long ago did what intelligence and design have not been able to do, according to them.
  2. Living things evolved from non-living things. There has never been a more truly unscientific concept than this, but such is the difficulty that the scientist places himself in when he presupposes there is no God who created our universe and all life. The believer in creation does not have this difficulty, for he believes in the living God who had no beginning and who, through creation, gave life to all living things. Even some of the evolutionary scientists, in their less prejudiced and more reasonable moments have admitted the impossibility of the life-from-non-life proposition. T.L. Moore, physicist of the University of Cincinnati, said,

To talk of the evolution of thought from sea slime to amoeba and from amoeba to self-conscious thinking man, means nothing; it is the easy solution of a thoughtless mind.

            In other words, the evolutionary hypothesis is, at best, a simplistic, glib, and ridiculous explanation for the origin of life. Lordane Woodruff, biologist of Yale University said,

We must thus reach the general conclusion that so far as observation and experimentation are concerned, no form of life exists today except from pre-existing life.

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, June 18, 1978.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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