Studies in Evolution — No. 7

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.]

            The evolutionary presupposition concerning the origin of life requires belief in the spontaneous generation of both non-living and living matter. It also requires that living matter be originally produced by non-living matter. Both premises are totally illogical and unscientific, yet they are required doctrines in the evolutionary creed. Other premises must also follow that are equally embarrassing to the evolutionist.

            The evolutionist considers his most direct line of evolutionary “evidence” to be the fossil record. Fossils are the remains of the hardest parts of living creatures (in most cases bones, teeth, etc., although insects and plant life are sometimes preserved) that have turned to stone through chemical and pressure reactions. For the fossil record to support the theory of evolution, it would be necessary for the lowest layers of rock to contain the oldest and simplest forms of fossils, gradually becoming more and more complex, the higher one works in the rock strata. However, often rock strata containing the simplest forms are found above strata containing more complex fossils. In some places, there are immense areas of such “reversed” strata, such as a 7,000 square mile area covering part of Montana and reaching up into Canada. While the evolutionist has no sensible explanation for such phenomena, it is quite adequately explained by the great flood of Noah’s time.

            For the fossil record to support evolution, there must be found some fossils of intermediate, partially developed creatures, such as half amphibian and half foul. Rather than finding such still “missing links,” the paleontologists find all forms of life fully developed and capable of classification in modern taxonomy tables even in Cambrian Age strata, supposedly the oldest rock strata containing fossils. Moreover, the life forms in these oldest rocks “suddenly” appear and in their full development which well harmonizes with their creation by God as full-grown, and their entrapment in thousands of tons of mud in the great flood. Clearly, the fossil record refutes, rather than supports evolution, and remember, it is evolution’s most direct line of evidence.

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, June 25, 1978.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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