Studies in Evolution — No. 9

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            A few more thoughts need to be presented on the fossil records before other aspects of this important subject are considered. I remind you that the evolutionist considers paleontology, the study of fossils, to be his most direct line of evidence for his theory. Added to the various ways already considered in which the fossil record may be the greatest source of embarrassment for the evolutionist, the following facts are worthy of note:

  • Fossils of creatures that evolutionists have labeled “ancient,” and even extinct, have been discovered to have living descendants. Interestingly, the ancient fossils and the living descendants are essentially the same. A good example is the Coelacanth (a large, deep-water fish), which, according to evolutionary dating when first discovered, became extinct some 60–90 million years ago. However, more recently, several of these fish have been caught and they are exactly like their alleged ancient ancestors.
  • Another example relates to man’s history. According to standard evolutionary propaganda, the giant dinosaurs became extinct at least 70 million years before man evolved. Yet, geological excavations in the bedrock of the Paluxy River (about 30 minutes from Granbury, Texas, USA ) have revealed human footprints adjacent to giant dinosaur and brontosaurus tracks. It appears that the author of the “Alley-Oop” comic strip of several years ago was closer to the facts than the evolutionary fable-spinners.

The study of “pre-historic” men deserves a few comments. Some of them have been exposed as outright frauds, such as “Piltdown Man” which was accepted as authentic by the learned scientific community for 40 years before its exposure, and “Nebraska Man” which turned out to be a fanciful reconstruction from a pig’s tooth! (Please pardon this writer for not becoming too excited over the dogmatics of evolutionary “scientists” who can be so easily deceived.) All the “pre-historic” men are actual men, rather than intermediates, who had brain capacities as large as, and sometimes larger than, ours. The textbook pictures of these men are merely the fruits of over-zealous evolutionary scientists trying desperately to build their case, even at the price of deceiving a gullible public.

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, July 9, 1978.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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