Studies in Evolution — No. 8

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.]

            If evolution really did occur, there must be proofs of it in our natural world. The fossil record is claimed as the “most direct line of proof,” and yet, upon examination, it results only in embarrassment for the evolutionist. However, the substantially complete records of fossils from simplest forms in the lowest layers of the earth’s crust to gradually more complex organisms as one works nearer the earth’s surface, is not what is found at all. The fossil record simply does not establish or support the evolutionary cause. Charles Darwin, the “father of evolution,” readily admitted this in his Origin of the Species:

Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. The explanation lies as I believe, in the extreme imperfection of the geological record.”

Strangely enough, the evolutionist uses this admittedly “imperfect record” as one of his most important “proofs” of his theory. The truth of the matter is that the famed “geological timetable” with its assigned dates for various ages that reach the ridiculous figures of multiplied millions and even billions of years, is a fabrication of prejudiced evolutionary scientists who have constructed the timetable to fit their theory. In no place on earth has the “geological timetable” been found in a natural setting in the order of its construction by the evolutionist.

            The evolutionist finds it stylish to speak of “the missing link” between ancient and modern life forms as if there were only one. However renowned evolutionists admit that they are plural rather than singular. Dr. Louis. B. Leakey declared, “There is no one link missing — there are hundreds of links missing.” Dr. Alfred S. Romer of Harvard wrote, “Links are missing and will just continue to be missing. The inconceivable thing about the “missing links,” if evolution be true, is that they are totally absent from fossil records. If evolution has occurred, the rocks should be as full of “missing links” as they are of fully developed forms.

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, July 2, 1978.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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