Our “Objective” News Media

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            There is no doubt about it. The news media, for the most part, are biased and prejudiced. Neither is there any doubt about the direction of their bias. Whether it be in sociology, science, economics, morals, theology, politics, or whatever, the bias is predominantly toward liberal dogma. This is especially so if the reporting, journalism, commentary, etc., come out of the northeastern cities of New York and Washington, which are dominated by the liberal slant. These folks who ridicule every conservative policy of government and economics and make a laughingstock of Biblical morals and other teachings, ought to be ashamed to claim objectivity in their work.

            Now it can be told why the major TV networks and editors are so biased against us poor ignorant outlanders who still believe in basic moral values and other principles of conservative living. A report has been published of a detailed study on the background of elite television media people. These are the people who decide what we see on TV and what sort of news commentary is given. The study revealed the following:

  • Religious background and practice: 59 percent were raised as Jews, 25 percent as Protestants and 12 percent as Catholics. At the time of the study, 45 percent claimed no religious affiliation, and 93 percent said they seldom or never attended any type of worship assembly.
  • Political convictions: 69 percent believed the government should redistribute income (whether one is willing to work or not, he should be paid out of the income of those who are willing to work). 45 percent thought that the government should guarantee everyone a job.
  • Moral convictions: 97 percent favored abortion on demand. 95 percent were sympathetic toward homosexuality (only 5 percent had any strong convictions against homosexuality). 84 percent believed adultery was acceptable conduct.

Perhaps the most telling revelation of the survey was that 67 percent of those surveyed believed that they should use television to reshape society to conform to their values (all the above statistics from Donald Wildmon in USA Today, May 11, 1984.

While the study just quoted relates only to the television industry, I have no doubt that if the big city daily newspaper and radio moguls of the northeast were polled, their figures would be similar. The degree of their influence is alarming as we observe the moral fiber of our nation growing ever weaker. As the Lord’s people, we must redouble our efforts in the home and in the church to stand for truth and righteousness (Rom. 12:1–2).

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in The Edifier, weekly bulletin of Pearl Street Church of Christ, Denton, TX, October 18, 1984, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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