Six Reasons Why

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles-2 page.]

            Every Sunday morning, Bible classes for every age are conducted in congregations across the world. Lamentably, many of our people do not take advantage of these classes. Often children are prevented from attending their class each week because their parents fail to take them. Some children and adults are prevented by illness or other factors beyond their control. It is not these that cause concern but those who can come but do not.

            Some are slaves of a non-attendance habit they fell into somewhere along the way; others are just too lazy to get up in time and still others do not care. I offer the following reasons why one should faithfully participate in his or her Bible class each Sunday. The love of Christ is at the root of each one!

  1. The Devil is always seeking to devour us through temptation and false teaching (1 Pet. 5:8; Col. 2:8). Your Bible class will help you to resist him with “It is written” (Mat. 4:4ff).
  2. Jesus requires me to seek His kingdom before everything else (Mat. 6:33). Your Bible class is a work of the kingdom, designed to build up the kingdom. Can one seek the kingdom first and refuse or neglect these classes?
  3. Those who hunger and thirst for God’s way shall be filled (Mat. 5:6). One who craves more spiritual nourishment will be in an appropriate Bible class every week, if able.
  4. Jesus requires every disciple to bear fruit or be cut off and lost (John 15:2ff). Bible classes will help you have the knowledge and zeal you need to be a soul-winner.
  5. God wants you to “…grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord…” (2 Pet. 3:18). We cannot grow in His favor without growing in His knowledge. Bible classes help you to do this.
  6. Are Bible classes that faithfully teach the Bible a good or an evil work? I suppose that even those who fail to attend would call it a “good work.” God’s people are commanded to be “zealous of good works” (Tit. 2:14). How can one be zealous of this work and refuse to attend and profit from it?

One’s attitude toward the Lord’s work is a true indication of his attitude toward Christ Himself (John 12:48). Please think soberly on these Truths.

[Note: This article was published in The Better Way, weekly bulletin of Spring Church of Christ, Spring, TX, July 22, 2007. I lost track of when I wrote it.

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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