For Faithful Christians

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles-1 page.]

            Too much of our writing, preaching, and visiting is directed to the weak and unfaithful.  We want to reverse that order. This brief article is not addressed to you who must be begged, petted, and pampered before you will attend Bible class and worship assemblies of the church, and still are absent as often as you are present. This isn’t for those who only give the church their excuses and grumble the most while doing the least. Those in this category can stop reading now if you wish for it is not written to you.

            This article is written to the faithful.  Vocabulary is not large enough to tell you wonderful people how much you are appreciated. It does not matter how many meetings the elders call in a week, you will be present. Neither the weather nor company of any kind can keep you from your first responsibilities. Whatever attractions or distractions the world may offer, you will not forsake the Lord. You make whatever sacrifices are necessary. You have no more time than the unfaithful members do, but somehow you manage to find time to serve our Master with the very finest and best of your time and talents.

            Whenever good programs are put before the church, no one wonders what your response will be. You always support fully every program submitted by the elders. When you accept an assignment, it is a foregone conclusion that you will successfully complete. You don’t flirt with sin or see how worldly you can become without completely apostatizing.

            You are appreciated even more because you demand no special attention or praise for your service, and you do not consider regular and faithful attendance of each class or worship period in service to God as a grievous burden or a great feat of valor.  You are a good example to the youngest member and an inspiration to the more mature member. You make the work of an elder, preacher, deacon, or Bible class teacher much lighter. Thank you for being what the Bible describes as a simple New Testament Christian.

[Note: I wrote this article in 1984 and it was published in The Edifier, weekly bulletin of Pearl Street Church of Christ, Denton, TX, of which I was editor. Exact date of publication is unavailable].

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.


Author: Dub McClish

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