When Jesus Was Lost

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Luke 2:41–47 provides a rare glance into the childhood of Jesus. At the age of twelve, his parents accidentally left Him in Jerusalem upon beginning their return to Nazareth. This incident yields several practical truths:

  • Unlikely persons—HIS PARENTS —lost Him. They were good people, but they lost Him. Good folk who once knew Him can and do lose Jesus today (Gal. 5:4). Many good folk have not found Him (Acts 10:1–8; 11:14).
  • THEY departed from JESUS. Joseph and Mary went on ahead and left Him behind. When men are separated from the Lord it is because they, not He, moved. We dare not “go onward” from Jesus (2 John 9).
  • They SUPPOSED He was among them. We immediately wonder why they did not make sure. Supposition of Jesus’ presence is rife among professed believers. Millions never make sure of His presence by “searching the Scriptures” to see if their religious teachers are teaching the doctrine of Christ or the doctrines of men (Acts 17:11). Faith based on supposition, rather than Scripture, will fail (Mat. 15:13–14).
  • They searched for Jesus AMONG THEIR KINDRED. They assumed they would find Him there. Millions are doing the same. They have sought no further for Jesus than among their own kindred. Their religion is based on generation rather than on regeneration. They have a hand-me-down, inherited religion, without bothering to validate that inheritance by the Bible. Jesus warned that the traditions of men void His Word and the doctrines of men render our worship vain (Mat. 15:6–9). As much as we may love our family, neither they nor their words will judge us in the Last Day. Jesus and His Word will do so (John 12:48).
  • They lost Jesus in a moment but took THREE DAYS to find Him. This fact is true of us all. One may so depart from Christ in only a moment of weakness that it may require years to repair the damage. The “social” imbiber does not aim, with his first drink, to become alcohol’s slave for the rest of his life. Surrender to a moment of passion may lead to disgrace, distrust, and destruction of one’s family. May we ever guard against being overtaken by sin (Gal. 6:1).
  • They had to RETURN TO JERUSALEM to find Jesus. So it is with those who would find Him in any age. He will not be found in Mecca, Rome, Salt Lake City, or at Sinai. To find Him and be His people, we must go back to Jerusalem for His Gospel and His church (Acts 2:22– 47).

[Note: This article was written for and published in the Denton Record-Chronicle, Denton, TX, April 3, 2009.]

Attribution: From thescripturecache.com; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.



Author: Dub McClish

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