Some Things You Might Never Know if You Didn’t Count the Contribution

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.]

             It fell my lot to count the contribution one week back in 1973. It was an eye-opener! First, I got an insight into what some of our families did and did not give on that one Sunday. Second, in posting the contributions for the end-of-the-year tax deduction records, I was exposed to the giving records of most of our families for all of 1972. Let me share some of my discoveries.

            There are 111 families that have a record of giving by check when they give. That leaves 51 families whose giving records cannot be tabulated, whether they give some cash weekly, occasionally, or never. On that one Sunday, 62 families (out of 111 remember) gave by check; 49 families (who give by check when they give) did not give anything that particular Sunday.  Of the 49, three families doubled their contribution the next Sunday; 46 families didn’t.

            The total amount of cash given by the 51 non-check families was $65.98 (about $1.30 per family). The cash broke down as follows: 3 – $5 bills; 44 – $1 bills; $6.98 in change. Back to the 111 check givers; 7 of them have not given even 1 cent to the church in 1973, 4 did not give a penny in January; 7 gave nothing in February.

            It was interesting to note that some retired couples are giving $10, $12, $13 every week and some widows are giving as much as $7.50 per week. However, some families who bring home two salaries each week (perhaps as much as $250 – $300) are giving a paltry $5.00 per week and some even less! It seems obvious that some are spending so much on “more important things” than the Lord’s kingdom that they have little or no gift to bring to the Prince of Peace. If we must lavish upon ourselves all the luxuries we might want, may God and His Kingdom not be forced to foot the bill.

Not all was negative, however. Some who have had misfortune have valiantly given what they could. Some of our teenagers feel a personal financial responsibility. I really believe it would be good for every family in the church to count the contribution at least one time. It might really open some eyes!

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the March 6, 1973, edition of Sentinel, weekly bulletin of the Sunset Church of Christ, Carlsbad, New Mexico, of which I was editor.

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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