Christian Certainties — No. 3

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]

            Because of the philosophies that deny absolutes and advocate relativism and nebulosity for all oral and spiritual issues, it is more necessary than ever that we understand that there are some things of which we can be certain. The fact that there is one true and living God and that He is absolutely faithful to His promises are such certainties.

            The truthfulness and reliability of Scriptures is a matter of absolute certainty. While this statement is true of Old and New Testaments alike, we will consider some matters pertaining to the New Testament for the sake of illustration. One of the statements of this unqualified reliability comes from John: “This is the disciple that beareth witness of these things and wrote these things: and we know that his witness is true” (John 21:24). Undoubtedly, the New Testament is the world’s most remarkable document. One of its great distinctions lies in its authorship. Never have eight or nine men so fully met the tests of historical and literary integrity. All but one of them were personal associates of Jesus in His earthly life, thus eyewitnesses, as John indicates in his statement.

            Search as one might, no base or material motive for these writings can be found. No “Best Seller” lists, no Nobel Prize or other literary awards were available to strive for. There was no financial gain to be realized. Contrariwise, the things they wrote and spoke often brought them adversity, deprivation, imprisonment, banishment, and even death. Despite any concerted attempts by atheistic and humanistic forces to destroy their testimony for twenty centuries, their testimony yet stands sure. Meanwhile, the defiant boasts of such men that their works would replace the Scriptures deserve only mockery, as they are scarcely remembered. The certainty of Scripture rests not on mere mortal testimony, however. Its authors were ever conscious of Divine guidance (1 Cor. 2:13). Herein lies the real certainty of Scripture.

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, January 22, 1978.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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