Christian Certainties — No. 3

Views: 104[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]             Because of the philosophies that deny absolutes and advocate relativism and nebulosity for all oral and spiritual issues, it is more necessary than ever that we understand that there…

Christian Certainties — No. 1

Views: 79[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]             We live in an age gripped by agnosticism. Agnosticism is the namby-pamby wishy-washy, spineless approach to the vital issues of life. In the realm of faith, it dictates a “wait…

Sin—the Greatest Hypocrite

Views: 91[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.] In Hebrews 3:13, the Bible speaks of the “deceitfulness of sin” To be deceitful is to give a false impression by appearance, direct statement, or influence. Sin is never honest. It…

“Narrow” Truth

Views: 74[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]             Our age is dominated by broadmindedness and super-tolerance. Things that were done in the dark corners a few decades ago are now openly done because of this “anything goes”…