The Cause of It All

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Our physical/material world and we, ourselves, are not eternal; death, decay, and depletion remind us that the material universe of which we are a part is temporary. This important fact implies another: since we and our world are not eternal, then we have not always existed, and we must have had a beginning point. There are three hypotheses concerning how we began:

  1. Self-creation. On the surface this is utterly impossible. How can any object or creature create itself? Only fools thus contend.
  2. Accidental circumstance. Man, and his complex universe “just happened,” the result of unnatural, freakish, impossible chance. The evolutionist admits that life cannot come from non-life and that this “explanation” of our beginning is incredible (i.e., unbelievable), but he still insists that it so happened.
  3. We and our world were designed and created by a cause adequate to explain the intricacies and complexities of our universe.—including our own human bodies. Objective, observant, and rational people can’t conclude otherwise.

What sort of being would constitute an adequate and sufficient cause of man and his universe?

  1. That Being would have to be superior to the things created, thus possessing all wisdom and knowledge about everything. The marvelous order, the glorious beauty, the precision of operation, the harmony and dependability of natural laws seen in our universe require consummate wisdom, knowledge, and the skill to apply these attributes.
  2. He must be all-powerful to use the foregoing wisdom, knowledge, and skill. The lofty mountains, the fathomless oceans, the multiplicity of life-forms, the power of life in the seed, the intricacies of the human brain or eye all attest to unlimited power capable of the most delicate control. And all these entities suddenly began without prior existence, requiring absolute power.
  3. He must Himself be He could no more make Himself than man could or can. Neither could He have begun by chance. The Bible reveals this very Being to us, calls Him Jehovah God, the All Mighty, and sets Him forth as the Creator of this universe all physical life within it.

[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, March 30, 1977.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner, curator, and administrator.

Author: Dub McClish

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