Understanding the Bible

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 3 page.]

            Nothing is more obvious than that men who profess belief in the Bible do not understand it alike. Some believe this is inevitable or even good. If so, why does the Bible command that we “all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you” (1 Cor. 1: 10)? We are to “walk by the same rule” (Phi. 3:16), so it must be possible for us to understand its demands.

            The greater question may be, “Why do men not understand the Bible alike?” The Bible provides several answers.

  • Ignorance—Because of ignorance the Jews crucified Jesus, and Saul persecuted Him (Luke 23:34; 1 Tim. 1:13). Earnest Bible study is the cure for ignorance. One can hardly understand what he does not know.
  • Deception—Many are victims of false teachers (Mat. 7:15). Jesus   warned: “Take heed that no man lead you astray” (Mat. 24: 44). Blind teachers and their students will be lost (15:14).
  • Human traditions—Religious traditions were more import-ant than the Bible to the Jews of Jesus’ time (Mat. 15:6). Human traditions are many and varied; they prevent men from understanding and following the Bible. Such things as infant “baptism,” instrumental music in worship, “Easter,” et al., are human traditions, rather than Biblical practices.
  • Prejudice—Jeremiah wrote of those in Jerusalem “that have eyes, and see not; that have ears, and hear not” (5:21). The Jews of Jesus’ time had their minds “made up” that the Messiah would establish an earthly kingdom like David’s, so they rejected His teaching concerning His spiritual kingdom, the church (Mat. 16:18–19). Vast millions make the same mistake today in their biased millennial “hopes.”
  • Convenience—Jeroboam enticed his nation to stay at home and worship his idols, saying, “It is too much to go up to Jerusalem” (1 Kin. 12:28). Roman Catholicism popularized effusion (pouring of water) in place of immersion for baptism beginning in the twelfth century because it was more “convenient” than immersion. Many Protestant churches find it “inconvenient” to serve the Lord’s Supper each Sunday. The Truth is often set aside for sake of convenience.
  • Sincerity—We must be sincere in our devotion to God, but sincerity alone was insufficient for Cornelius; he still had to hear and obey the Gospel to be saved (Acts 10:33; 11:14). If sincerity is all that matters, why do we even need the Bible?

            All of the foregoing factors are obstructions to understanding the Bible. Those who pervert the Scriptures do so to their own destruction (2 Pet. 3:16).

[Note: This article was written for and published in the Denton Record-Chronicle, Denton, TX, October 24, 2014.]

Attribution: Printed from TheScripturecache.com, owned and administered by Dub McClish.


Author: Dub McClish

2 thoughts on “Understanding the Bible

  1. Another great article. With your permission I will use this for my next Wednesday Night lesson (as I have used others in the past). Thanks so very much for sharring your knowledge and love of Gods Word.

    Mickey West Sr

    Member of the Lords Church at Greenslake Rd, East Ridge,Tn.  37412

    1. Dear Mickey,

      Thanks for your kind comment. Please feel free to use anything on The Scripturecache to advance the Cause we love. 

      Yours in the Cause,

      Dub McClish

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