Denominatioalism or the Church?

Views: 98            Thoughtful Bible students realize that denominational “churchianity” bears no resemblance to New Testament Christianity. It is not only fundamentally undenominational; it is anti-denominational. Men have so long lived with the abnormality of denominationalism that they almost universally accept…

Scriptural Pragmatism

Views: 97[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles  page.] Introduction Our English word pragmatic generally connotes that which is practical, that which “gets the job done,” sometimes to the exclusion of reasonable or artistic considerations. When I was a youngster…

Those Who Were Lost on Pentecost

Views: 89[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles  page.] Introduction No one can determine the exact number of people who were in Jerusalem for the Pentecost feast of Acts 2, but the crowds must have greatly taxed the city’s capacity….