Should Christians Oppose Evil?

Views: 69[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles–2 page.]             Many have come dangerously close to adopting a fatal attitude toward evil practices. I am speaking of the attitude that reasons, “It will do no good to oppose evil; people…

“Come Forth, My People”—No. 2

Views: 77[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] When the “Babylon” of the first century was about to be destroyed, God’s faithful people were strongly warned: “Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship…

The Oak Hills Church of Lucado

Views: 73[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles page.] It was a long time coming. Oak Hills “Church of Christ,” San Antonio, Texas, is no more. No, it did not close its doors (unfortunately). It will now be just “Oak…

Unity in (Spite of) Diversity

Views: 86[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles page.] Introduction Was a renewed and intensified “unity” initiative with the Independent Christian Church (ICC) underway? Abilene Christian University had an ICC preacher on its lectureship a few years earlier. The Tulsa…

Smaller Colleges Gone Rogue

Views: 83[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.] Introduction Various other brethren and I have expressed grave concerns occasionally over the rampant apostasy of the large and prominent universities operated by members of the church (e.g., PU, ACU,…