“I Thank My God. . .”

Views: 61[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.] Paul began his letter to the Philippians by saying: “I thank my God upon all my remembrance of you” (Phi. 1:3). Sometimes I get “bogged down” in thoughts about those who…

Murmurers, Beware!

Views: 64[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.] Paul warned, “Neither murmur ye, as some of them murmured, and perished by the destroyer” (1 Cor. 10:10). Again, he ordered, “Do, all things without murmurings and questionings” (Phi. 2:14)….

Time Will Tell

Views: 75[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.] The passing of time has a great way of putting things in true perspective. A president may be hated and cursed by his contemporaries, but his administration may be given a…

How God Wants Us to Give

Views: 74[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page. There is nothing more basic to Christianity than giving. Salvation through Christ and His church is the result of God’s inestimable gift of His only begotten Son (John. 3:16). The Christ…

Spiritual “Welfare”

Views: 79[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2 page.] The last several years have seen our nation move increasingly closer to becoming a “welfare state.” Few are those who object to helping those who truly need help and are…

“Fringe Area” Christianity

Views: 60[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] In spite of the numerous TV transmitters that dot the map of our nation, there are still some remote spots that can only barely receive a picture. These are called “fringe…

The Church of the Bible—No. 5

Views: 86[Note:  This MS is available in  larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] The church of the Bible was/is not just whatever men want it to be. Jesus did not build His church on the basis of a community survey of what His…

The Church of the Bible—No. 4

Views: 66[Note:  This MS is available in  larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] The Bible clearly reveals both the nature and work of the church, implying the significance of both. Unarguably, as to its nature, the church/ kingdom of Christ is a spiritual…

A Strong Church

Views: 48[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.] “Be strong in the Lord” (Eph. 6:10) applies to individuals and churches alike. Assuming that we all want the church to be strong, what are (and are not) these sources…

The Church and Its Widows—1 Timothy 5:3-16

Views: 85[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] This passage has long been problematical. Perhaps the biggest problem revolves around what seems to be an arbitrary age limit governing widows who can be “enrolled” (vs. 9), and, as…