Get Involved in Worship

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[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]

In recent years there has been considerable discussion among brethren about getting more people involved in worship. No one will question that anyone who pretends to be a servant of God must thus involve himself. I do, however, question what some have meant by “involvement.” Some have pushed the idea that to be involved one must have a speaking part of some kind. Others have erroneously argued that true involvement in worship is impossible except in a small group situation. This has led to brethren in some places practicing or advocating responsive readings, serving the Lord’s supper in the Bible classes, and substituting panel discussions for Gospel preaching

My understanding of involvement is a bit simpler, and I think, a lot more practical. If you want to really “get involved” in worship, try the following:

  1. When a prayer is being led in public worship do your very best to shut everything else out (closing your eyes helps) and concentrate with all of your power on the words of the leader. This makes it your prayer, too
  2. During the singing, pay attention to the leader by watching him for direction. Think about the words of the song. Sing with spirit and joy. Most of all, SING!
  3. Involvement in the contribution should begin before you get to the assembly, for it is to be “purposed” (2 Cor. 9:7) requiring advanced thought. Give regularly, bountifully, gratefully.
  4. Several things might be helpful to fully involve us in the Lord’s Supper. Read some of the hymns in our books that center upon the cross. Better still, turn to one of the many appropriate Scripture selections that relate the reason for the Lord’s Supper.
  5. During the sermon or any Scripture study it helps to use your Bible and follow the Scriptures referred to. Bring paper and pen and take notes for future reference and study. When you agree with a point made, at least nod affirmatively. (The usual nodding shows little involvement.)

[Note: I wrote this article for and it was published in the November 27, 1974, edition of Granbury Gospel, weekly bulletin of the Church of Christ, Granbury, Texas, of which I was editor.]

Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.


Author: Dub McClish

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