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Our age is dominated by broadmindedness and super-tolerance. Things that were done in the dark corners a few decades ago are now openly done because of this “anything goes” attitude. About the only thing our liberal super-tolerant world will not tolerate is what it calls “narrow-mindedness.” It is excusable (by our secular world’s standards) to be a homosexual, to have newsstands, movie and TV screens full of pornography, to destroy one’s own life and take the lives of others while in a drunken stupor, to voice obscene words and stories and to openly cohabitate with a member of the opposite sex without marriage. Even the murderer is treated with much more tolerance than his victim received. If the present directions of thought continue, the day may come when not only inhibitions will be destroyed, but all prohibitions will fall as well. Attempts to legalize prostitution (parts of Nevada already have) and use of marijuana are indications of the intent of some to “decriminalize” man’s ungodliest inclinations. In such a secular and materialistic world as ours about the only behavior that is opposed is an outcry of righteous indignation against man’s perversions!
Much of the problem in our world is that our educators, journalists, politicians, and others (including far too many who occupy pulpits) who mold the thinking of our nation have lost the concept of Truth. Truth by nature, is narrow. It can be nothing else. Four is the sum of two plus two. All differing sums are excluded because they are incorrect. Call it “narrow” if you wish (and it is narrow), but this truth is not changed merely because it is narrow. One may be displeased with four, ridicule it or sincerely disbelieve it to be the correct sum of two plus two. However, these nor any other factors alter the truth. The very same principles apply to moral and doctrinal truth. The Bible is the standard of doctrinal or moral Truth or there is none. Jesus spoke of His way as straitened (difficult) and entered only by a narrow gate (Mat. 7:13–14). Jesus’ way is right and all others are wrong (John 14:6). His way is absolute Truth, and it cannot be other than narrow. If one is living for Jesus, he will surely be “narrow-minded” in the eyes of a broadminded, hell-bent world. “Narrow-minded” is a compliment to the dedicated follower of Jesus!
[Note: I wrote this article for, and it was published in the “Bible Thoughts” Column for the Hood County News, Granbury, Texas, December 10, 1978.]
Attribution: From; Dub McClish, owner and administrator.