“Narrow” Truth

Views: 76[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]             Our age is dominated by broadmindedness and super-tolerance. Things that were done in the dark corners a few decades ago are now openly done because of this “anything goes”…

Bold As A Lion

Views: 75 Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]  Solomon wrote, “The righteous are bold as a lion” (Pr. 28:1). The lion is called “king of beasts” because he fears nothing. One of the qualities that was responsible for…

“Your Adversary, the Devil”

Views: 74[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 3 page.] An adversary us an avowed, obvious enemy. He (or she) makes things adverse as often as he can.  He opposes, contradicts, discourages, thwarts, and belittles everything that doesn’t please him. …

A Profile of Paul

Views: 70[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] In Acts 20 we read the record of Paul’s journey to Jerusalem, concluding his third evangelistic tour among the Gentiles. While stopped at Miletus he visited with the elders from nearby…

Our Cares and God’s Care

Views: 132[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] A verse that we all should commit to memory and upon which we should ever rely is the following: “casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you”…

The Church and the COVID-19/Coronavirus Pandemic

Views: 113[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] As some have probably learned from visiting various church Websites, our brethren are responding in different ways to the current COVID–19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic. Some have canceled Wednesday night meetings while continuing…

What is Appropriate in Preaching?

Views: 116[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction To the Corinthians Paul wrote: “For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of; for necessity is laid upon me; for woe is unto me, if I preach…

Moses, the Great Man of God

Views: 146[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction If one is somehow yet unconvinced of the greatness of Moses, perhaps the following three incidents will give him pause: At Hazeroth in the Wilderness (Num. 11:35), Aaron and Miriam rebelled…

Lessons from Josiah the Restorer King

Views: 116[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles page.] Introduction Josiah, the sixteenth king of Judah after Israel divided, began to reign at the extremely young age of eight years. His father and grandfather before him were wicked and idolatrous,…

Resist Satan in the Faith—1 Peter 5:5–14

Views: 125[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction Bible students have long noticed that those who were truly inspired of God were able to express the most sublime concepts with the greatest economy of words. The first letter from…