What Is Heaven Worth to Us?—Lavonne James McClish

Views: 76[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction God was willing to send His only Son to earth, to live in poverty, suffer persecution and humiliation, and then bear the sins of all mankind for all time in a…

Joshua, the Conqueror of Canaan

Views: 102[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction The only reason Joshua was not the greatest man of his time is because he was contemporary with Moses. None would question that he and Moses were the two principal characters…

Confidence in Christ—1 John 5:9-15

Views: 63[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page. Introduction The infidelity of the Gnostic heretics, which constitutes the setting of John’s first epistle, is given one final broadside in chapter 5. In the first 8 verses of the chapter, the…

Calvinism and Neo-Calvinism

Views: 58[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction “Calvinism” is not a single doctrine or even a few scattered, unrelated doctrines. It is a system of theology embracing several significant doctrines. These dogmas are all tightly woven together in…

Building Up the Church Through Singing

Views: 47[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction Many characteristics distinguish mankind from all the lower forms of animal life. Among the most notable of these peculiarities are the size and capability of the human brain (which makes us…

Are Bible Examples Binding?

Views: 94[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction The question of the title above is actually asking: “Are Bible Examples Binding on Mankind Today?” This question suggests at least the following additional questions: Are all Bible examples binding today?…

Alleged Contradictions and Problems in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy

Views: 107[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction Even inspired men have acknowledged that some passages of Scripture are “hard to be understood” (2 Pet. 3:16).1 Peter warned in this same verse that “the ignorant and unstedfast wrest” such…

Addressing Some Problem Passages in Romans

Views: 139[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction The letter of Paul to the saints in Rome is generally acknowledged not only to be among the most profound documents in the Bible, but also in all of literature as…

A Study of the Captivity in the Major Prophets

Views: 95[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction The captivity of God’s covenant people of the Old Testament is one of the saddest chapters of all history. Never was an obscure race of men so marvelously blessed of God,…

A Review of Alvin Jennings’ 3 Rs of Urban Church Growth

Views: 110[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction  In 1981, a brother in Christ, Alvin Jennings, owner of Star Bible Publications, Inc., wrote and published a book titled, 3 R’s of Urban Church Growth. This book raised many eyebrows,…