The Significance of the Cross

Visits: 35[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles-2 page.]             The cross is the single most enduring symbol of Christianity. Paul said he would not glory in anything except the cross of his lord (Gal. 6:14). The cross remains an…

“The Man or the Plan” Discussion Revisited

Visits: 77[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction In the early 1960s I was a young preacher, not long out of Abilene Christian College. I well remember the lively brotherhood discussion of the Man or the plan controversy (actually,…

Paul’s Public Rebuke of Cephas—Galatians 2:11–21

Visits: 63[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction Galatians 2:11–21 is a thought bridge. It is obvious from chapter 1:1–2:10 that two factors were at work among the churches of the region: Paul’s apostolic credentials and authority had come…

Jesus’ Blood Keeps on Cleansing

Visits: 91[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.] Many years ago (when I was a very young preacher) I believed that unless one specifically named every sin he committed and specifically asked forgiveness of each one, as he became aware…

Matters Demonstrated by the Cross

Visits: 48[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]           By far, the most enduring symbol of the religion of Jesus Christ is the cross. It so represented Jesus’ life, work, and death that the apostle Paul…