Righteousness Exalts A Nation

Views: 120[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] [Author’s Note: I wrote this article in advance of the 2012 Presidential election.] Our nation is in manifold difficulties that threaten to destroy the America the Founders envisioned and of…

Preparing for Persecution

Views: 103[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] I excerpted the quoted material below from my MS for the 17th Annual Denton Lectures (1998), conducted by the old Pearl St. church here in Denton. Please keep this date…

Unshakeable Entities

Views: 99[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles–3 page.]             Our world is one of perpetual flux and uncertainty. Nations rise and fall. Our nation is under siege by hedonistic, God-hating Humanism, disguised as “secularism”—causing cataclysmic cultural and moral rot….

If Darwin Was Right…

Views: 82[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.]             Charles Darwin was born 2 centuries ago (1809). Even those who reject his premises cannot deny the impact of them on mankind. Along with the “sea change” Darwinian evolution…

The Doctrine of Divorce—Ancient and Modern

Views: 100[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 2  page.] Carl Rowan, syndicated newspaper columnist, wrote an article appearing in the San Angelo [TX] Standard-Times edition of February 18, 1970, titled, “Divorce Increase Cause of Troubles.” In his article Rowan…

A Response to Fellowship Compromises in the Church of Christ1

Views: 212[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts  page.] Introduction Satan and all of his minions outside the church have always opposed it. He did his best to prevent the Lord from establishing the church in the first place. Although he…

“Prophesy Ye Not…”—Micah 1:6

Views: 117[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction             The first verse of Micah’s book is ripe with several important details. The name Micah means “Who is like Jehovah?” and is an abbreviated form of Michaiah, the name of…

When the Heart Is Missing

Views: 90[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles  page.] When we study the sad history of the cyclical apostasies of the descendants of Jacob, it is difficult not to be harshly critical of their folly. God never did before or…

The Shelter of Hell

Views: 86[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles  page.] Introduction Those who faithfully preach and teach the Word must include the subject of Hell. Just as Jesus did (Mat. 10:28), we warn people about Hell and its torments. We tell…

The Same Subjects, but New Applications

Views: 80[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles  page.] Introduction Occasionally I review some of the sermon material I preached as a young man several decades ago (and am still preaching). I am often impressed with a striking phenomenon: Several…