Have We Surrendered All Modesty?

Views: 76[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Brief Articles 1 page.]             I fear that many parents of youngsters in their teen years have failed to teach them any sense of modesty. Perhaps this is so because many of us didn’t learn…

A Sad Story That Hits “Close to Home”

Views: 65[Note: This MS is available in a larger font on our Brief Articles 1  page.] I spent 8 years of my youth (1946–1953) in the small central town of Burnet, Texas. My father preached for the faithful congregation there the first 4 of those years…

Surprising Things about the Church of Christ

Views: 144[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction People who are not familiar with the church of Christ frequently express surprise upon learning of some point of doctrine or some practice that is peculiar to it. When we produce…

The “Purpose-Driven” Church Paradigm

Views: 113[Note:  This MS is available in larger font on our Longer Articles  page.] Introduction Churches should have goals and aims. In this sense every congregation of the Lord’s people should be driven by purpose rather than stumbling along haphazardly. However, purpose-driven has taken on…

Emotionalism vs. Proper Emotions

Views: 58[Note: This MS is available in larger font on our Manuscripts page.] Introduction1 Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines “emotionalism” as “…unwarranted expression or display of emotion.”2 The same dictionary defines “emotion” in the following words: Any of the feelings of joy, sorrow, fear,…